Order the Ethics Exam
Individuals applying for CPA licensure must complete the AICPA's Professional Ethics For CPAs Self-Study Course and Examination.
Accessing the Exam
Cost: $250 for members; $320 for nonmembers
Get the member price by joining as a CPA Candidate member: www.ascpa.com/join
Online access to this product is not immediate.
After purchasing the exam, it may take up to three business days to gain access. You will receive an auto-generated email from the AICPA notifications@azcpa-aicpacima.bridgeapp.com to activate your product access. If you don’t receive an email within three business days, please email us.
The exam must be taken within one year from the date of purchase.
About the Exam
The Arizona State Board of Accountancy requires the completion and passage (90% or better) of the “Professional Ethics: The AICPA’s Comprehensive Course” for certification. In Arizona, passing scores are valid for two years.
Upon completing the exam, the grading system provides a completion certificate online, which can be printed or saved as a PDF. It may depend on the State Board whether they accept this certificate as proof, or whether the customer needs to contact the AICPA at 1 (888) 777-7077 to have the certificate sent to the State Board.